this is code that adds image: <CODE> kartaGif = wx.Image("slike/karta.gif", wx.BITMAP_TYPE_GIF) kartaGif.Rescale(self.sizeX, self.sizeY) kartaGif = wx.BitmapFromImage(kartaGif) mask = wx.Mask(kartaGif, wx.WHITE) kartaGif.SetMask(mask) self.karta = wx.StaticBitmap(self.mPanel, -1, kartaGif, (10, 10), (kartaGif.GetWidth(), kartaGif.GetHeight())) self.karta.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN, self.getPos) </CODE>
SMALLp wrote: > Hello everyone! > > First I want to apologize for asking question about wxPython on this group. > > I'm doing project that uses wx.ScrolledPanel few wx.Bitmap on it. It all > looks wonderful on Ubuntu and very very bad on windows because images > aren't transparent. As a found out it is problem that windows drowns > each image in separate window (or something like that) > > I'm looking for best and easiest solution for this problem. I found > something to bind PAINT event to empty function but it doesn't work > because of scrolled panel. > > Please help! > > Thanks! --