Hello Everyone,

This is a very fast announcement to say that I've managed to remove
YAML from Vellum, but also to remove Python while still giving you
Python. :-)

Check out the latest Vellum:


And you'll notice that the build descriptions are all Python, that you
load other build descriptions with import statements, and yet it's
still not actually running these build scripts.

What the latest Vellum does is use a minimalist parser (vellum/parser.g)
that is able to parse just that much syntax and build the data
structure. This makes the build files safe from having injected code,
but still gives you a full Python build description.

This release is still in development, but if you want to install it,
first install Zapps:


And then you can install Vellum.

Comments are welcome, especially about the actual safety of the code in
vellum/parser.g and vellum/parser.py (generated by Zapps).

Have fun.

Zed A. Shaw
- Hate: http://savingtheinternetwithhate.com/
- Good: http://www.zedshaw.com/
- Evil: http://yearofevil.com/

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