Il Fri, 04 Apr 2008 20:26:13 -0700, 7stud ha scritto:

> On Apr 4, 7:06 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> 1st question:
>> when i run this program 1 will be printed into the interpreter when i
>> run it BUT without me clicking the actual button. when i then click the
>> button "1", nothing happens.
>> obv i dont want any output when i dont push the button but i want it
>> when i do.
>> what am i doing wrong here?


> The same thing is happening in this portion of your code:
> command = self.Display(1)
> That code tells python to execute the Display function and assign the
> function's return value to the variable command.  As a result Display
> executes and 1 is displayed.  Then since Dispay does not have a return
> statement, None is returned, and None is assigned to command. Obviously,
> that is not what you want to do.
> What you want to do is assign a "function reference" to command so that
> python can execute the function sometime later when you click on the
> button.  A function reference is just the function name without the '()'
> after it.  So you would write:
> command = self.Display
> But writing it like that doesn't allow *you* to pass any arguments to
> Display().  In addition, *tkinter* does not pass any arguments to
> Display when tkinter calls Display in response to a button click.  As a
> result, there is no way to pass an argument to Display.

It should be added here that in Python you have several ways get around 
this Tkinter limitation and pass an user argument to the callback. Once
upon a time , back in Python 1.x, I used to do something like this:

class CallIt:
        def __init__(self, f, *args):
                self.f = f
                self.args = args
        def __call__(self):
                return apply(self.f, self.args)

and then, to do what the OP wanted to do:
        command = CallIt(self.Display, 1)

but nowadays, you can achieve the same effect with:
        command = functtools.partial(self.Display,1)


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