On Apr 2, 2:22 pm, "Terry Reedy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "pranav" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> | Hello,
> | I want to read a BMP file, do some processing and then write it in a
> | new file. The problem is in the third step. For reading the file, i
> | have converted the file into decimal numbers, representing the pixel
> | values. Then i perform calculations on those decimal numbers. Now i am
> | unable to convert those into the format as required by the "bmp" file.
> | Any one, who is into image reading/manipulation, please help.
> I would look into PIL, PyGame, and Numeric/Numpy.

My mistake, for some reason I thought the OP wanted to read a BMP file
directly, and the code I cited shows the guts of writing out a BMP
file so he might get an idea about the file's structure - to address
the OP's actual question, I would second the recommendation to use PIL
to read, manipulate, and write back out the pixel values.

-- Paul

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