On Apr 1, 2:42 pm, "Eduardo O. Padoan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Tue, Apr 1, 2008 at 4:20 PM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> >  You misunderstand.  C++ has a lot of "warts" to maintain backwards
> >  compatibility with C.  The standards committee could eliminate these
> >  warts to make the language "cleaner", but it would break a lot of
> >  systems.
> It would not "break" anything that not move from C to C++, this is my point.

You missed the point completely.  C++ has a new version coming out
soon, and as part of it, the less attractive parts of the language
(like C compatibility) are NOT being removed, as that would break a
lot of existing apps.

> People not willing to take the migration path (porting to 2.6, using
> the -3 flag, refactoring and re-running the tests untill the warning
> are gone, using the 2to3 tool...) will not upgrade. No one will force
> you to do it. 2.6 will not desappear from the python.org site anytime
> soon.

Will 2.6 be supported with patches and fixes going forward?

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