On Mar 31, 8:22 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I wrote a simple algorithm and it keeps getting stuck in a loop.  I
> guess I'm just to tired to figure it out:
> compcount=[5,4,2,2]
> suitrank=[0,0,0,0]
> trump=2
> l,lt=0,0
> while l<4:
>     while lt<4:
>         if l==trump:
>             l+=1
>         if l>3:
>             break
>         if lt==trump:
>             lt+=1
>         if compcount[l]<compcount[lt]:
>             suitrank[l]+=1
>     lt+=1
> l+=1
> In case you're wondering, the point is to rank suits from highest to
> lowest based on how few cards each suit has.  I hope that's enough
> information.

Inside the inner loop, lt never changes if lt != trump, so you get an
infinite loop the first time when lt == 0.

I think you may have misindented the last two lines.

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