Hi Steve,

Can you guide me how to install a 2.5 version of dbi for it to work ?

Thanks !!


Pradeep Rai wrote:

> Hi All,


> I have upgraded python v2.5.2 from python v2.4.3. The upgradation

> results into following error:

> "Python C API version mismatch for module dbi: This Python has API

> version 1013, module dbi has version 1012."


> Please suggest, how to resolve this error to proceed further.


> Regards,

> Pradeep Rai



Don't try and drag 2.4 extension modules into the 2.5 environemnt. You

will have to install a 2.5 version of dbi for it to work.




Steve Holden +1 571 484 6266 +1 800 494 3119

Holden Web LLC *http://www.holdenweb.com/* <http://www.holdenweb.com/>



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