Hi All, I'd like to just announce that I've cranked out a fun little Python project named Vellum. It is an attempt at a Python make alternative written in about 200 lines of Python:
http://www.zedshaw.com/projects/vellum/ It currently actually works, and can take a YAML or Python file as the description of the build, including namespaces, recipes from other files, and two samples for running nose and distutiles (respectively). I'm using it to automate most of my Python project builds and my website right now and it's doing great. The defining difference between it and other make-alikes is that each target is just a multi-line string, with different 3-char prefixes to determine how that line should be run: - >>> means it's Python, so run the python with exec. - <-- means eval a test and stop processing that target if False. - <<< means output some text. - --> means jump to another target, with an optional {} has of different options. - Nothing means it's a shell command, run it with os.system(). As the target is processed, each line is passed in as a string % options so you can do replacement on settings you've made. So, you can do this: <<< My name is %(name)s And if options: name: "fred", then it says it's name is fred. I'm pretty sure it's turing complete. :-) All information about the project, getting at the bzr, several sample files, and even the whole source to the core of the project are on the above page. Since I'm a total Python newbie, I'd love any advice about my code I can get. Thanks much. -- Zed A. Shaw - Hate: http://savingtheinternetwithhate.com/ - Good: http://www.zedshaw.com/ - Evil: http://yearofevil.com/ -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list