Paul Boddie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Note that the Python Cookbook says this about licensing: "Except where
> otherwise noted, recipes in the Python Cookbook are published under
> the Python license." The link is incorrect, but I presume they mean
> this licence:
I don't have a printed copy, but Google Books has it (not sure which 
edition I found) and page xix says:

Given the nature of the cookbook, we wanted the recipes to be usable under 
any circumstances where Python could be used. In other words, we wanted to 
ensure completely unfettered use, in the same spirit as the Python license. 
Unfortunately, the Python license cannot really be used to refer to 
anything other than Python itself. As a compromise, we chose to use the 
modified Berkeley license, which is considered the most liberal of 
licenses. ... and then the license follows ...

So, if the recipe is in the printed cookbook the licensing is clear 
(primarily you must retain the copyright notice).

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