Hello Folks,
I am reading a CSV file and based on that I am creating TestCase(my
own defined class) objects in a for loop. The problem is each time I
create a new TestCase object in loop, previous objects data is already
copied in that object.

e.g. my sample CSV file is
# -------------------------
hello.pcap, 123, 231
test.pcap, 90, 899
hello2.pcap, 81, 18
# -----------------------

When I print the TestCase elements from returned list I get

(Pdb) print tcLstOrig[0]
Pcap Path: hello.pcap
Sid List: 123, 231, 90, 899, 81, 18,

(Pdb) print tcLstOrig[1]
Pcap Path: test.pcap
Sid List: 123, 231, 90, 899, 81, 18,

(Pdb) print tcLstOrig[2]
Pcap Path: hello2.pcap
Sid List: 123, 231, 90, 899, 81, 18,

Kindly guys advise me on this thing. Function snippet and Class
definition are provided below.


======= Problem Code

The function snippet reading CSV and creating TestCase objects is
tcLst = []
# CSV file is read in variable 'lines'
def returnTcLst(path):
  fp = open(path)
  lines = fp.readlines()

  for line in lines:
        tc = TestCase()
        i = line.find(",")
        line = line[i+1:]
        line = line + ","
        i = line.find(",")
        while i != -1:
                sid = line[:i].strip()
                line = line[i+1:]
                i = line.find(",")

        del tc
  return tcLst

My TestCase Class is defined as
class TestCase(object):
        def __init__(self, pcap = None, sids = []):
                self.__Pcap = pcap
                self.__lstSid = sids

        def setPcap(self, path):
                self.__Pcap = path

        def appendSid(self, sid):

        def __str__(self):
                text = "Pcap Path: " + self.__Pcap + "\n"
                text += "Sid List: "
                for sid in self.__lstSid:
                        text += sid + ", "
                text += "\n"
                return text

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