On Mar 30, 12:11 pm, hdante <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  BTW, my opinion is that it's already time that programmer editors
> have input methods advanced enough for generating this:
> if x ≠ 0:
>     ∀y ∈ s:
>         if y ≥ 0: f1(y)
>         else: f2(y)

That would be a nightmare.

Programming language (or most computer-based texts) should only use
basic ASCII characters, except if it can't be helped since typing non-
ASCII characters is still unreliable. It'd also be a headache to
memorize what keyboard combinations to use to type a character. Not to
mention how much more complex would the keyboard design be. Also not
mentioning how much more complex the language design would be to
handle all those non-ASCII characters.

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