On Mar 29, 5:33 pm, Scott David Daniels <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Lie wrote:
> > On Mar 30, 2:57 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >> Hi there.
> >> I ... started writing simple programs in the python gui...  when I write
> >> python code ...[and]... double click it all that happens is a black box
> >> flashes up on the screen, but nothing else!? ....
> > open the program in IDLE (or any other Python IDEs). I'm guessing that
> > your program is printing a traceback (error) when trying to get input
> > that's why it immediately closes itself.
> Another possibility is to open a shell (or command window or "dos box"),
> and in that window type in "python myfile.py" You'll see error messages
> because the display window does not depend on the program staying alive.
> By the way, a better thing to have said when you asked this would
> include your OS, the python version, and the GUI system you are using.
> Those details matter.  If you are doing wxPython programming, for
> example, you cannot easily use IDLE for your program (GUI systems
> fight for control of the display).

The screen is real (r-e-a-l): all manners intended.  Real.  Just bid
and auction.

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