I was wondering if there is a way to extract an icon from a file
(executable) and then add it in a listctrl. I also 'd like to know if
i can shorten the icon in order to fit in a listctrl item.
I've managed to get the icon from an icon file and add t as a listctrl
item but it remains 32x32.

images = ['LimeWire.ico']

self.il = wx.ImageList(18, 10)

#This below raises an error saying that no handle was found for that
#self.ib = wx.IconBundle()
#self.ib.AddIconFromFile(r'LimeWire.exe', wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ANY)

self.listView1.SetImageList(self.il, wx.IMAGE_LIST_SMALL)
self.listView1.SetItemImage(0, 0)

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