aiwarrior <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > When i execute this the database doesn't get filled with anything and > the program stays running in memory for ever.
That's odd, when I execute the code you posted I just get "NameError: global name 'sqlite3' is not defined". You should always try to post the complete actual code you are using, not just some random part of it. > The print statement is just a Unicode string that would get to the > database if i stated it in the add_entry function as a constant > string. It's a really weird problem that i dont seem to understand why > it's working out this way. > Are you absolutely certain of that? If you use print to try to debug the value of an object you should usually use repr: print repr(audio['album']) What MP3 library are you using? You have forced a commit after every insert. This slows down sqlite A LOT. I get about 400 insertions each minute with your code (just inserting fixed strings) but if I remove the conn.isolation_level assignment and add a single commit at the end I get in excessive of 20000 per second. Are you sure you just didn't wait long enough? --