On Mar 16, 5:48 pm, Jeff Schwab <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Unlike Perl or Tcl, Python is not just a
> scripting language with a set of ad-hoc extensions.  There are still
> issues, and Python probably will never be a general-purpose replacement
> for system-native language compilers, but it does enable a smooth ramp
> from "just a user," through "a user who does some scripting," to
> "application developer."

Danger! My crap-o-meter went to 100%! You really need to explain what
you mean better here. What enables Python to give you a "smooth ramp"?
Inquiring minds want to know.I am sure there are a whole lotta
programmers in the Perl and Tcl camps that would like to know what you
mean as well.

I await your enlightenment.


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