En Thu, 27 Mar 2008 01:50:56 -0300, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:
> All this comes to my question - am I overcomplicating this project? I > can understand the use of something like the trac component system if > I had multiple components and plugins that handled different areas of > my project and different points of interaction, but I don't. I've got > exactly one spot where I want to check all my plugins and hand off the > message to which ever ones are looking for that command. As you said, it looks like you're really overengineering your design then. > So really, > should I even bother with trying to setup some framework for this or > should I just be doing a simple loop over a directory, importing all > the plugins and storing them in a list and then looping over them in > the message handler to see which ones were looking for the command and > letting them do their thing? That may be an option. You may want to setup a simple registry mechanism, so the plugin modules look like: ### begin niceplugin.py ### class AVeryNicePlugin(object): # or perhaps using a suitable base class def handle_message(self, message): ... from plugin import PluginRegistry PluginRegistry.register(AVeryNicePlugin) ### end niceplugin.py ### Your application scans a known directory for files ending in "plugin.py" and imports them; the modules register themselves any class (or classes), and at appropiate times the application calls some method(s) of the registered plugins. > As an aside, if there is anyone who is an experience developer and > designer and is willing to take some private correspondence, please > let me know. I feel embarrassed for asking, but I've got a alot of > questions that I don't want to litter this list with and would rather > voice them in private. Why not? Get another free account, post using a pseudonym, and nobody will know that *YOU* were the guy that asked the most stupid question of the week :) -- Gabriel Genellina -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list