,,,<snip>... Let's see some code! Let's see

> stuff working (and sometimes crashing!), and how changes affect the
> results. When I've presented at PyCon and other conferences, that's
> the part that I spend the most time on: preparing demonstrations. It's
> not easy to do; certainly much more difficult than creating a slide
> that sums up what the demo does. But it makes for a much more
> interesting session!
> -- Ed Leafe

Here, here!! (or is it hear, hear??).  I remember Ed's talk on Dabo a couple
of years ago (or was it last year?) because he was writing code while up in
front of the room.  "Here's how to do this" and then he would tweak various
aspects and show the results.  I can appreciate the need for slides, but I
also like seeing "code in action".


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