En Mon, 17 Mar 2008 08:56:26 -0200, hellt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribi�:

> i have a problem with this modules py2exe + pywinauto + sendkeys used
> together.
> In my script i'm using this expression
> app.window_(title="SJphone").Edit.TypeKeys("Test is
> running",with_spaces=True)
> TypeKeys is using SendKeys module i suppose.

Does it work as a normal script, without using py2exe?

> my setup.py looks like that:
> from distutils.core import setup
> import py2exe
> setup(
>     options = {"py2exe": {"compressed": 1,
>                                                 "optimize": 0,
>                                                 "bundle_files": 1,
>                                                 "packages": ["encodings", 
> "pywinauto",
>                                                 "pywinauto.controls", 
> "pywinauto.tests"] } },
>     zipfile = None,
>     console=["hosts.py"]
> )

Perhaps you have to include SendKeys explicitely. I think pywinauto  
doesn't require SendKeys, but uses it if already installed.

Gabriel Genellina


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