On Tue, 15 Mar 2005 10:47:28 -0800, James Stroud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tuesday 15 March 2005 08:25 am, Roy Smith wrote:
> > a = ()       # tuple of zero elements
> > a = (1,)     # tuple of one element
> > a = 1,       # tuple of one element
> > a = (1)      # scalar
> > a = (1, 2)   # tuple of two elements
> > a = 1, 2     # tuple of two elements
> > a = ,        # syntax error
> >
> > The big question is, is it the parens that make it a tuple, or is it
> > the comma?  If you go along with the parens school of thought, then
> > (1,) is the special case.  If you believe in commas, then the () is
> > the special case.  In either case, it's a bit ugly, but we learn to
> > overlook the occasional cosmetic blemishes of those we love :-)
> The answer is obvious, the naked comma should be an empty tuple.

The other answer, that parens should be required to surround all
tuples, is obvious too.

Neither is particularly appealing; a lone comma creating a data
structure seems counter-intuitive, but it's nice to do a, b = b, a
instead of (a, b) = (b, a) . In this case, since the need to create
empty tuples is vanishingly rare, I'm okay with a little

Bill Mill
bill.mill at gmail.com

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