Bo wrote: > I want to port a Python project (about 10,000 line python code) to C+ > +. Is there any automatically tool to do this kind of things? e.g.,
That's not trivial. Python is very heavily oriented toward run-time processing, whereas C++ favors compile-time processing. > e.g., SWIG( Swig isn't so much a translator as a way of linking C or C++ code to multiple different scripting languages, using shared configuration (.i) files. If you're only connecting two languages (Python and C++), Swig is probably not going to help you much unless you happen to already be a master of Swig-foo. If the Python code works, then it's probably best to keep it in Python. To access it from C++, try Boost.Python. If you really do need to translate the code from Python to C++, try to do it incrementally. If the Python code is so monolithic that you can't find individual pieces to move one-at-a-time, consider refactoring the code in Python so that you'll at least have some modularity to work with. (In the process of refactoring, you may also find that you don't have to move the code out of Python, after all, e.g. because the performance improves along with the design.) --