D H wrote:
> George Jempty wrote:
> > Also, considering Javascript will be a substantial component of my
> > I'm noticing that Javascript's array/"hash" literal syntax is
> > the same as that for Python lists/dictionaries.  This could lead to
> > easily sharing data between the client and server side, though I
> Look up JSON, XML-RPC, XMLHttpRequest and Java (you can use Jython in

> place of Java of course):
> http://oss.metaparadigm.com/jsonrpc/
> http://developers.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=05/01/24/125236
> http://www.webpasties.com/xmlHttpRequest/

I like that last URL in particular.  I actually already knew of JSON.
I figure I can eventually leverage this similarity, though again I
think that is a more appropriate discussion to have with technical
leads rather than management.

Thanks for the awesome link(s) though


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