It's usually not a totally mind destroying process if you hand craft
your SOAP messages going off of examples from the service (if you're
lucky enough they have ones) and reading their XML Schemas/WSDLs to
see what they actually expect. Since it's MS do tests on your hand
rolled xml with Microsoft XML Schema validation, this may seem tedious
but it is likely to be less tedious than relying on any APIs to agree
in the wide wonderful world of Soap based WebServices.

Bryan Rasmussen

On Tue, Mar 11, 2008 at 10:38 PM, Paul Watson
> Has anyone successfully accessed a Microsoft SharePoint WSS using
>  Python?  No, not IronPython.  I need for this to be able to run on all
>  machines the customer might choose.
>  Which libs are you using?  ZSI, SOAPpy, soaplib, ???
>  --

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