Here is my script #********************************************************************** #********************************************************************** import threading import socket def openSocket(portNum): mySocket = socket.socket ( socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM ) mySocket.bind ( ( '', portNum ) ) mySocket.listen ( 1 ) channel, details = mySocket.accept() msg = channel.recv(4096)
class CmdPortThread( threading.Thread ): def run( self ): openSocket(6000) def fakeCommandPort(): CmdPortThread().start() fakeCommandPort() #********************************************************************** #********************************************************************** If works perfect with python 2.5.2. Now I want to convert it to standalone program. but the .exe file fails to run without any error. If I cal CmdPortThread without Trading, It works perfect. What did I miss here? My is standard without any include or excludes. Should I include something in I am not a py2exe newbie but I'll appreciate detailed descriptions. --