I have access to the source, so it seems that I can create shareable libs for the libraries I want to use using distutils. I do a glob.glob() on the *.c files in the libscr directory. If I copy the main library.h file over to where my module.i file is, I can do a %include on it and things seem to get built fine. (I still need to actually call something to see if it works.)
Is there a way to change my setup.py file to look in the locations specified by the 'include_dirs' argument? This argument works for my C compiling, but it doesn't get passed to swig. #!/bin/env python import sys, os, glob from distutils.core import setup, Extension py_version='python%d.%d' % (sys.version_info[0],sys.version_info[1]) OTB_HOME='/vps/otbknox/williams/OTB_2.0' OTB_INCLDIR=[ os.path.join(OTB_HOME, 'include', 'global'), os.path.join(OTB_HOME, 'include', 'libinc'), os.path.join(sys.prefix,'include',py_version), OTB_HOME ] libsrcs=glob.glob(os.path.join(OTB_HOME,'libsrc','libcmdline','*.c')) setup (name = 'OTB_libs', version='1.0', author="Tim Williams", ## packages=['cmdline'], ## ext_package='OTB_libs', ext_modules=[Extension('_cmdline', sources=['cmdline.i']+ libsrcs, include_dirs=OTB_INCLDIR ) ] ) running build running build_ext building '_cmdline' extension swigging cmdline.i to cmdline_wrap.c swig -python -o cmdline_wrap.c cmdline.i cmdline.i:9: Unable to find 'libcmdline.h' error: command 'swig' failed with exit status 1 -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list