why does this occur when using the python windows extensions? all string are prefixed by a lowercase "u". is there a newsgroup explicitly for python windows extensions?
example of output below. SMBIOSBIOSVersion:u'A16' SMBIOSMajorVersion:2 SMBIOSMinorVersion:3 SMBIOSPresent:True SoftwareElementID:u'Phoenix ROM BIOS PLUS Version 1.10 A16' SoftwareElementState:3 Status:u'OK' TargetOperatingSystem:0 here is a snippet of the code: if objItem.Status != None: print "Status:" + ` objItem.Status` if objItem.TargetOperatingSystem != None: print "TargetOperatingSystem:" + ` objItem.TargetOperatingSystem` if objItem.Version != None: print "Version:" + ` objItem.Version` -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list