K Viltersten wrote:
> I've been recommended reading of:
> http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/
> and in there i saw two things that i need to get elaborated.
> 1. When writing English, Strunk and White apply.
> Where can i download it? Am i actually
> expected to read the whole book?

It's a short book, and worth your time.  Searching does turn up free 
downloads, but I recommend the illustrated version (of which I own a copy).


> How many people actually do aply it?

The problem is how many people don't.

> 2. You should use two spaces after a sentence-ending period.
> For heavens sake, why? I've always been obstructed by the double blanks 
> but tolerated them. Now, that i read that
> it actually is a recommendation, i need to ask about the purpose.

(a) It makes the ends of sentences more visually obvious.
(b) It makes text easier to parse reliably from scripts.
(c) Some text-editors can navigate such sentences out of the box, 
whereas others cannot.  (I recall this limitation with Emacs' 
text-editing major mode, though it may have been fixed since then; I 
switched to Vim about five years ago.)

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