koara schrieb:
> On Mar 5, 1:39 pm, gigs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> koara wrote:
>>> Hello, is there a way to access a module that is hidden because
>>> another module (of the same name) is found first?
>>> More specifically, i have my own logging.py module, and inside this
>>> module, depending on how initialization goes,  i may want to do 'from
>>> logging import *' from the built-in logging.
>>> I hope my description was clear, cheers.
>>> I am using python2.4.
>> you can add your own logging module in extra directory that have __init__.py 
>> and
>> import it like: from extradirectory.logging import *
>> and builtin: from logging import *
> Thank you for your reply gigs. However, the point of this namespace
> harakiri is that existing code which uses 'import logging' ...
> 'logging.info()'... etc. continues working without any change.
> Renaming my logging.py file is not an option -- if it were, i wouldn't
> bother naming my module same as a built-in :-)

You can only try and search the sys-path for the logging-module, using


and then look for logging.py. Using


you get a reference to that module.


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