Joe wrote:
On 13 Mar 2005 01:13:00 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
You should definitely have a look at Zope 3. There is good
documentation available and it can do a lot of good stuff.

But then, the thing I hate about Zope, is that source code is not
accessible with normal development tools since it's stuck in the ZODB.

That's not entirely true of Zope 2, and not true at all for Zope 3. All code for Zope 3 is loaded from the file system. I've been happily hacking away on Z3 for months using Vim, Subversion, grep, etc. Some have even been know to use Emacs, the horror! :)

Zope 3 was designed from the ground-up to be friendlier to Python programmers that don't have a great deal of Zope 2 experience. Being a long-time Python programmer, I've *really* enjoyed Zope 3.

There is a slide show introduction at (

There are two Zope 3 books out. A draft of one is available at (

Also note that Z3 comes with many doctests that help developers understand the various parts of the system.
Benji York

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