En Thu, 28 Feb 2008 21:05:45 -0200, K Viltersten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

> I have v2.5.2 installed and i've composed
> a source code i'm sure everybody will be
> impressed by. It goes like this.
> def bloppA ():
>     print "a very advanced piece of code"
> What i get to work is to make it run from
> the the snakes shell. Then, i realised
> that such a masterpiece needs storing in
> a file. So i saved it in a file called
> great.py   but when i executed:

To execute the file, use:

python great.py

 from the system prompt (cmd).

Or, if you are using IDLE (the snake's shell?), go to File -> Open, open  
your saved file, and use the Run menu (or press F5).

> exec "c:\loj\python\great.py"

That's the way to exec another script from inside the current one; it's  
seldom used. Beware of \ as it's the escape character (as in C), so you  
have to use "c:\\loj\\python\\great.py" or r"c:\loj\python\great.py" (the  
latter being a "raw string").

See the wiki http://wiki.python.org/moin/BeginnersGuide - have you worked  
out the Tutorial?

> (Background: I'm a programmer since a few
> years back but it's mostly Java/C/C++/C#
> and Python way is very new to me.)

You may benefit from the Dive into Python book, available online at  
http://www.diveintopython.org (somewhat old now, but most of the book is  
still aplicable; it just misses the new features in the language)

Gabriel Genellina


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