Hi, I'm trying to generate HTML docs for a Python package (directory) currently containing an empty __init__.py and a Module.py file with some classes and docstrings. I tried using the command "F:\path\to\project\pydoc.py -w myPackage" at the Vista command prompt, and I get "wrote myPackage.html" as output, but when I open the .html in Firefox, I cannot navigate to the doc page of Module although it is displayed as a link on the main page. I get a File Not Found message in the browser for doing so.
If I'm at C:\ in the command prompt and try "pydoc.py -w F:\path\to\project\myPackage" I get "no Python documentation found for 'Module'". pydoc -g seems to display the package's doc .htmls with no problems. I can't seem to figure what's wrong here, so any help is appreciated. -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list