H! I'm searching for a simple bin2chr("01110011") function that can convert all my 8bit data to a chr so I can use something like this:
def bin(i): l = ['0000', '0001', '0010', '0011', '0100', '0101', '0110', '0111', '1000', '1001', '1010', '1011', '1100', '1101', '1110', '1111'] s = ''.join(map(lambda x, l=l: l[int(x, 16)], hex(i)[2:])) if s[0] == '1' and i > 0: s = '0000' + s return s print ord("s") # = 115 print bin(ord("s")) # = 01110011 test= open('output.ext,'wb') test.write(bin2chr("01110011")) test.write(bin2chr("01111011")) test.write(bin2chr("01110111")) test.close() I think this is very easy but I'm not very good in python. In a other program I use I do something like this Function bin2int(b$) blen=Len(b) For f=1 To blen n=n Shl 1 + (Mid(b,f,1)="1") Next Return n End Function -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list