On Mon, 14 Mar 2005 05:02:25 GMT, Joal Heagney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Tim Roberts wrote:
>> "G. Völkl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>I use a dictionary:
>>>phone = {'mike':10,'sue':8,'john':3}
>>>phone['mike']   --> 10
>>>I want to know who has number 3?
>>>3 -->  'john'
>>>How to get it in the python way ?
>> If you need to do this a lot, just keep two dictionaries, where the keys in
>> each are the values in the other.
>>   reversephone = dict( zip( phone.values(), phone.keys() ) )
>(Been away from python for a while, so forgive me if I'm asking a silly 
>Does python guarantee that the lists given by phone.values() and 
>phone.keys() are in mutual order? Or is it possible that python will 
>return the lists in different orders for .values() and .keys()?
Good question. I don't know. I hope so, but I would tend to write dict((v,k) 
for k,v in phone.items())
to do the equivalent, but note that it only works if everyone has a different 
phone number.

 >>> dict((v,k) for k,v in {'sue':3, 'bob':4}.items())
 {3: 'sue', 4: 'bob'}
 >>> dict((v,k) for k,v in {'sue':3, 'bob':4, 'mike':4}.items())
 {3: 'sue', 4: 'bob'}

Surprised at who got left out?
 >>> {'sue':3, 'bob':4, 'mike':4}.items()
 [('sue', 3), ('mike', 4), ('bob', 4)]

Bengt Richter

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