MooJoo wrote:
> I've read that the Python interpreter is not thread-safe but are there 
> any issues in creating threads that create new processes (not threads) 
> that run new instantiations of python? What I'm doing is subclassing the 
> threading.Thread and, in the run method, I'm making a call to os.system, 
> passing to it another python script which then processes a file. When 
> the call to os.system completes, the thread is finished. Here is a 
> simplified fragment of code for what I'm doing.
> from threading import Thread
> import os
> class MyThread(Thread):
>    def __init__(self, fn):
>       Thread.__init__(self)
>       self.fn = fn
>    def run(self):
>       pyscript = '/usr/bin/env python %s'%self.fn
>       status = os.system(pyscript)
> thr = MyThread('test.dat')
> thr.start()
> thr.join()
> Since I'm running each python instance in a new process, I don't believe 
> that there is a problem and, in my testing so far, I haven't encountered 
> anything that would lead me to believe there is a potential time bomb 
> here. Am I correct in my assumption this is OK or just lucky so far?
FYI -- That's not multi threading that's multiprocessing. You're safe.

Nick Stinemates ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

AIM: Nick Stinemates


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