Martin Franklin wrote:
Harlin Seritt wrote:

I've created a ghetto-ized ComboBox that should work nicely for Tkinter
(unfortunately no dropdown capabilities yet).

I've found why it's such a pain in the @ss to create one. You have to
re-create common methods and make sure they're mapped to the right
component (inside this widget are frame, entry, listbox, and scrollbar
widgets). I tried to look for ways I could inherit some methods from
other widgets but couldn't think of how to do it in an efficient way.

If anyone has suggestions to improve it, please respond... Remember...
I'm a traditional c/c++ turned python programmer who forgets that there
usually is a better, faster more graceful way to do things with Python
than with C/C++/Java.



# Seritt Extensions:
# Date: 02262005
# Class ComboBox
# Add this section to your file in 'PYTHONPATH/Lib/lib-tk/'
# Options: width, border, background, foreground, fg, bg, font
#        , relief, cursor, exportselection, selectbackgroun,
selectforeground, height
# Methods: activate(int index) => int, curselection() => int,
delete(item=["ALL" or int], start=int, end=["END" or
# int],
#     focus_set()/focus(), get()=>selected string in box, pack(padx=int,
pady=int,  fill(X, Y, BOTH), expand=bool, # side=LEFT,

class ComboBox:

Why not extend an existing Tkinter widget?  This way you get at
least the geometry (pack, grid etc) methods thown in for free!

class ComboBox(Frame):
    def __init__(self, parent, *args, **kw):
        Frame.__init__(self, parent, *args, **kw)

You could extend Entry above is just an example...

Also worth pointing out are a couple of ComboBox's out there already
Pmw includes one as does Tix (IIRC)


I forgot to say good work! and you may be interested in the Tkinter mailing list and Wiki (where you could post your 'mega' widget as an example

(There seems to be a lot of Tkinter related posts recently)



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