Thank you all so much for the generous dollop of help: the dictionary
suggestion is particularly helpful. The problem arises as follows: A
software application stores the securities held in a portfolio in a
.csv file, one row per security, with three colulmns.

The first has a security identifier or descriptor (such as a ticker)
the second has a single letter that identifies the type of the
identifier (T for ticker, C for cusip etc.) and the third has the
number of shares. A typical line looks like this:

IBM, T, 500

I need to read in one or more portfolios and aggregate their holdings.
To do so, I read in the portfolios using the csv package, convert each
line to a list and then append it to a list of lists. Eventually the
list of lists contains all the securities, and can then be sorted and

I suppose I could convert it instead to a dictionary, and the most
natural key would be the first two items, i.e. a portfolio containing
just 500 shares of IBM ought to be represented as
{("IBM", "T") : 500 }

How can I translate the data I read in using csv.reader into a

portfolio = {}

for row in csv.reader(infile):
    key = tuple(row[:2])

    portfolio[key] = portfolio.get(key, 0) + int(row[2])

You could also do a groupby solution with
itemgetter(slice(0, 2))--thanks to Steven Bethard for recently
pointing out the possibility here of doing that. I'd go with the
dict for this application though.
Michael Hoffman

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