
In the standard library module "operator", it would be nice to have a dictionary
mapping operators strings with their respective functions. Something like:

    '+': add,
    '-': sub,
    'in': contains,
    'and': and_,
    'or': or_,


Recently I had to implement a small language interpreter and I ended up building
such a dictionary. Indeed the parser (I used PLY then pybison) returned an AST,
where all arithmetic were represented by a single node type, like this:

  class Arithmetic(Expression):
      def __init__(self, op, lft, rgt):
          self.op = op
          self.lft = lft
          self.rgt = rgt

      def eval(self, scope):
          return self.op(self.lft.eval(scope), self.rgt.eval(scope))

The dictionary allowed the parser to have a single rule action like this:

  Arithmetic(opstr[term[1]], term[0], term[2])

Does such a dictionary already exist? Is it really a good and useful idea?


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