        I don't know about the USB parallel port converters but there are 
variousways you can add USB connectivity yourself.  

A simple way are the USB devices from FTDI 

Either the FT232R or the FT245R.  These are both single chip solutions 
that provide a USB interface on one side and an 8 bit bi-directional fifo 
on other.  The 232 is mapped as a serial port at the system level, whilst 
the 245 is higher bandwidth and accessed through an API (use ctypes etc.)  
Windows, Linux & Mac OS X are supported.

FTDI provide evaluation modules (tiny, USB powered) that you can be up and 
running with in no time:

Good luck!


Soren ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
: Hi,

: I want to control some motors using the parallel port.. however, my
: laptop does not have any parallel ports (very few do). What I do have
: is a USB->Parallel converter... I thought about using PyParallel, but
: the USB->Parallel converter    doesn't actually map to the LPT port ..
: and PyParallel only looks for LPT ports?

: Has anyone tried doing this? What are my options for controlling
: parallel connections on a laptop with no parallel port?

: I also thought about controlling the USB natively.. but since I dont
: have any instructions on how to do this with my Velleman USB->Parallel
: port converter... i guess I would be totally blind.

: Any help would be appreciated!

: Soren

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