On Feb 13, 1:53 pm, mathieu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I do not understand what is wrong with the following regex expression.
> I clearly mark that the separator in between group 3 and group 4
> should contain at least 2 white space, but group 3 is actually reading
> 3 +4
> Thanks
> -Mathieu
> import re
> line = "      (0021,xx0A)   Siemens: Thorax/Multix FD Lab Settings
> Auto Window Width          SL   1 "
> patt = re.compile("^\s*\(([0-9A-Z]+),([0-9A-Zx]+)\)\s+([A-Za-z0-9./:_
> -]+)\s\s+([A-Za-z0-9 ()._,/#>-]+)\s+([A-Z][A-Z]_?O?W?)\s+([0-9n-]+)\s*
> $")
> m = patt.match(line)
> if m:
>   print m.group(3)
>   print m.group(4)

I don't know if it solves your problem, but if you want to match a
dash (-), then it must be either escaped or be the first element in a
character class.


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