On 2008-02-10, Jeff Schwab <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Neal Becker wrote:
>>> Would a wrapper function be out of the question here?
>>> def MyDivision(num, denom):
>>>     if denom==0:
>>>         return "NaN"
>>>     else
>>>         return num / denom
>> I bought a processor that has hardware to implement this.  Why do I want
>> software to waste time on it?
> Will the amount of time wasted by the software exceed the amount of time 
> required to implement Python-level access to the hardware feature?

The "time required to implement Python-level access to the
hardware features" is simply the time required to delete the
lines of code that raise an exception when demon is 0.0

> At any rate, the work-around should at least let you work on
> the rest of the application, while a more efficient
> implementation can be developed.

A more efficient implementation?  Just delete the code that
raises the exception and the HW will do the right thing.

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  Do you need
                                  at               any MOUTH-TO-MOUTH
                               visi.com            resuscitation?

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