Hi Rupert, -On [20080210 20:16], rupert.thurner ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote: >the edgewall trac release 0.11 is blocked now since more than one >month for a memory leak nobody is able to find, see >http://groups.google.com/group/trac-dev/browse_thread/thread/116e519da54f16b >.
You are slightly mistaken that nobody is able to find anything. There is currently a lot underway to fix this. The problem was not just one area, but problems on a number of areas. Given the fact nobody uses a large enough site with a 0.11 trunk installation these sort of things will start to show during beta test, as it did. This is still beta period and I personally would rather release a month later (even despite the already long release time) than give our users a solution that eats away at their resources like crazy. I am sure people will appreciate the latter more in the end. Already the current fixes in trunk for Trac and Genshi stabilized a few large beta deployment sites in terms of resource eating. >does python-3.0 improve something to avoid writing memory leaking >applications? There are efforts underway to optimize the memory usage for 2.6 on a lot of levels more than 2.5 already did. Check Python-dev of the last 2-3 weeks. However, this is not interesting in the short term, since 2.4 and 2.5 (and later on 2.6) will be versions that will be used for the coming 1-2 years for sure. Avoidance is very difficult, especially given Python's dynamic nature. But I'll let more knowledgeable minds talk about that. For me, a relative newbie to Python, the entire memory allocation issue is not transparent at all and information about it is scattered across the net. One of the things I hope to contribute to in the coming year is to make sure the entire area of Python memory use and proper coding is better understood. -- Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven <asmodai(-at-)in-nomine.org> / asmodai イェルーン ラウフロック ヴァン デル ウェルヴェン http://www.in-nomine.org/ | http://www.rangaku.org/ What is to be, will be. And what isn't to be sometimes happens... -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list