En Sat, 09 Feb 2008 03:35:14 -0200, waltbrad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

> On Feb 8, 5:29 pm, "Gabriel Genellina" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> En Fri, 08 Feb 2008 06:36:53 -0200, waltbrad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> escribió:
>> > Working through the Mark Lutz book Programming Python 3rd Edition.
>> > A couple of modules in the "Preview" chapter give me errors. Both on a
>> > shelve.open call:
>> shelve uses the anydbm module; anydbm tries to select the best database
>> module available, but apparently fails in your system.
> But as I gain experience I'd like to return to this issue and try to
> fix it.  Can you give me advice on how to go about that?
> I'm working on a win98 system.  I have python on a linux system,
> (Kubuntu) and winxp but it's more convenient right now for me to use
> the 98 laptop.

I've tried the example on WinXP and it runs fine. Looks like the bsddb  
package isn't working on Windows98; I don't know if that platform is still  
supported or not. Try submitting a bug report http://bugs.python.org

Gabriel Genellina


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