On 2008-02-09, Thomas Dybdahl Ahle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sat, 2008-02-09 at 14:56 +0100, Martin P. Hellwig wrote:
>> > Propagate, travel, what's the difference?
>> > 
>> Unfortunately, I didn't study any of this but I sure do remember the 
>> answer one drunk physic said to me in a bar when I ask him the question: 
>> "Does light travel or propagate?"
>> He answered: "Depends on how you see light."
>> He must have studied philosophy too :-)
> Quantum mechanics are closely related to philosophy.

I've never understood that claim.  You can philosophize about
anything: biology, math, weather, the stars, the moon, and so
on.  I don't see how QM is any more related to philosophy than
any other field in science.

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  RELAX!!... This
                                  at               is gonna be a HEALING
                               visi.com            EXPERIENCE!! Besides,
                                                   I work for DING DONGS!

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