Guilherme Polo wrote:
> 2008/2/9, Alex <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> Which library could you recommend to perform simple editing of Python
>>  code (from Python program)? For example, open *.py file, find specific
>>  function definition, add another function call inside, find existing
>>  call and change parameter value, etc.
> You are after inspect, it is included with python.
Yes, I forgot to mention - I'm new to Python. I didn't necessary mention 
3rd party library. Simply such wasn't mentioned in library review and 
tutorials, so I didn't know of it. What's the module's name?
>> What I'm trying to implement isn't a real visual programming tool, but
>>  some code-generation is necessary. For now I think I can generate Python
>>  syntax manually (like any text file), but it can become more complicated
>>  in future (like partially implementing code-generation library), plus
>>  there'll always be possibility of corrupting files and losing data (or
>>  having to recover valid Python syntax manually) due to coding mistake.
> Generating code like this is always dangerous. Maybe you could
> generate some other kind of file, then use some library or build one,
> to operator over this file.
No, the code by itself is the goal.

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