On Feb 7, 4:10 pm, Berteun Damman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I was wondering a bit about the differences between methods and
> functions. I have the following:
> def wrap(arg):
>     print type(arg)
>     return arg
> class C:
>     def f():
>         pass
>     @wrap
>     def g():
>         pass
> def h():
>     pass
> print type(C.f)
> print type(h)
> Which gives the following output:
> <type 'function'>
> <type 'instancemethod'>
> <type 'function'>
> The first line is caused by the 'wrap' function of course. I had
> expected the first line to be 'instancemethod' too. So, I would guess,
> these methods of C are first created as functions, and only then become
> methods after they are 'attached' to some classobj. (You can do that
> yourself of course, by saying, for example, C.h = h, then the type of
> C.h is 'instancemethod' too.)
> Why does the wrapping occur before the function is 'made' into an
> instancemethod?

Consider this:

>>> class Foo(object):
...     def bar(self): pass
>>> Foo.bar
<unbound method Foo.bar>
>>> Foo.__dict__['bar']
<function bar at 0x7d5b0>

It shows that when Foo.bar is evaluated, a new instancemethod object
is created and that the 'bar' in the dictionary of 'Foo' is forever a
plain function object.  In fact, Foo.bar is equivalent to
Foo.__dict__['bar'].__get__(None, Foo):

>>> Foo.__dict__['bar'].__get__(None, Foo)
<unbound method Foo.bar>

For more details you can read 

> The reason for asking is that I would like to differentiate between
> wrapping a function and an instancemethod, because in the latter case,
> the first parameter will be the implicit 'self', which I would like to
> ignore.  However, when the wrapping occurs, the method still looks like
> a function.
> Berteun

I think you're better off having a 'wrap' decorator for functions and
a 'wrapmethod' decorator for methods.



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