On Feb 6, 9:59 pm, "Luis M. González" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Feb 6, 6:27 pm, Huayang Xia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hello All,
> > I have several .NET DLL (I have no source code for them), is there
> > anyway to use them from python instead of from C#.
> > Thanks,
> > Huayang
> I used to put my .dll files into the .DLL folder, so I could simply
> import them as I would with any other python module.
> But since I started using Ironpython 2.0 Alpha* this doesn't work
> anymore...
> Any hint?

The rule is probably still that the DLLs must be in a directory on
sys.path for the interpreter to find them. Try adding the directory
containing the assemblies to sys.path and see if you can add
references to them.

Michael Foord

> Luis


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