On Monday 04 February 2008 19:14:13 John Nagle wrote:
>    I'm getting some wierd commit-related behavior from MySQLdb.  I'm
> using InnoDB, so transactions really matter.
> I'm currently doing
>       cursor = db.cursor()
>       cursor.execute(...)
>       cursor.close()
>       db.commit()
> Is that the correct order, or should I call "db.commit()" before
> "cursor.close()"?  Does anyone know for sure?  The MySQLdb documentation
> ("http://mysql-python.sourceforge.net/MySQLdb.html";) doesn't
> say.  There are some discussions of this in blogs, but nobody
> really seems to know.
>                                       John Nagle

No, you obviously need to commit your changes before closing the cursor. I'm 
surprised if your code above even works if adding content to the db.


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