On Feb 4, 2008 8:18 AM, David Cook <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> wrote:
> > what would be the best python GUI toolkit, it must be cross platform.
> >
> > i have tried gtk, but it interface are real bad and its coding was
> difficult
> > so i dropped it,
> >
> > the only remaining are qt4 and wx, i would like to know if one of these
> or
> > any other toolkit is capable of creating good-looking GUI's, like in
> other
> > apps, for e.g, .net apps.
> >
> > i m a noob, and willing to learn, so difficulty is no problem
> The real way to see is by installing each along with their respective
> demos,
> looking over some of the demo code, and perhaps coding some simple apps in
> each.
> Qt4 has the most polished and complete API.  When judging looks under the
> X-Window System, make sure to run qtconfig and try some of the other
> themes.
> WX seems to have more design warts (the layout system takes some getting
> used to), but is quite capable and flexible and probably has the most
> native
> look and feel under win32.  The license is much more liberal for
> commercial
> use.  Also, it comes with OS/X (both Tiger and Leopard), is easy to
> install under MSWindows).

I wouldn't agree with you on that. I use wx on both  windows and gnome
respectively, and on both platforms wx widgets look and feel native. The
layout system is really simple to use, but powerfull, and if you've done
some web design in the past you are going to wrap your head over it just
after a few examples.

I think the most powerfull feature of the wxwidget toolkit it's a very
consistent API. Each widget is created in a very similar manner, so is very
easy to pick and implement new features of the widget. Which can speed up
the learning process quite a bit.

I would sincerly hope to see in the future a python distribution that
incorporates wxwidgets as its basic gui toolkit instead of tkinter.

> Dave Cook
> --
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

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