On Feb 4, 2008 9:57 AM, Kevin Walzer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Chris Mellon wrote:
> > Nitpick, but an important one. It emulates *look*. Not feel. Native
> > look is easy and totally insufficient for a "native" app - it's the
> > feel that's important.
> Is this opinion based on firsthand experience with use of the Tile/ttk
> widgets on any of the relevant platforms?
> I'm not a Windows user, so I can't speak about that platform, but I have
> worked very hard to make my Python-Tile-Tk app consistent with both the
> look and feel of OS X: keyboard shortcuts, menu behavior, and so on.
> It's mainly a matter of attention to detail, and listening to user
> feedback. I've gotten good feedback on my applications in recent months
> as I've implemented more and more platform native behavior, and sales of
> these applications (I'm a shareware developer) reflect that.
> I'd be interested to hear how, in your experience, Tk/Tile is inherently
> unable to deliver native platform "feel," in a way that reflects on the
> toolkit rather than the developer.  It's fine to focus on Windows if
> that's your area of expertise.

I didn't say inherently unable, I said the toolkit doesn't provide it.
Note that you said that you did a lot of work to follow OS X
conventions and implement behavior. The toolkit doesn't help you with
any of this. A mac-native toolkit (or one that strives for native
behavior, like wxPython)  eliminates a lot of this work (although, of
course, not all).

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