> Heres the code
> def increment(digits,symbols):
> overflow=True
> digitpos=-1
> while overflow and -digitpos<=len(digits):
> digitsymbolindex=symbols.index(digits[digitpos])
> if digitsymbolindex==len(symbols)-1:
> overflow=True
> digits[digitpos]=symbols[0]
> digitpos=digitpos-1
> else:
> digits[digitpos]=symbols[digitsymbolindex+1]
> overflow=False
> return digits
> Now, this works. All good. It's nice and simple. I'm just wondering how
> anyone else might approach it?
>I (not an expert at all) have only minor comments and one question:
>why keep setting overflow to True, if you do not touch it will not
good point.
>digitpos -= 1 is easier to read in my mind
it's just something ive done for years, so I read it perfectly fine. It's
cause I was programming for ages before I first ever saw -= or += (bbc
basic didnt have 'em ;P)
>Why first extract the indices and then compare (in your if statement),
>why do you not just compare the symbols?
I put the index into digitsymbolindex because it is used in more than one
place in the code, and I'd rather have the result stored than recompute it
possibly twice.
have fun!
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