
I appreciate everyone's feedback on the topic.

Having reflected on what has been said here, I now realize that
creating more complexity is not the way to go. I would rather favor
something that relies on existing language features, something like
the default keyword argument assignment in functions.

This is probably stupid but as a noob I would have liked something
def __init__( self. = host, self. = port, self. = timeout, message =

This is probably even more preposterous than @host, @port, but to me
it would make more sense.

I suppose the subject has exhausted itself and I am not going to
follow it up. If anyone is interested in taking it on, then please do.


On Jan 29, 6:01 am, "Terry Reedy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "André" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> |Here's a version that
> |1. does not require new syntax
> |2. does not *necessarily* override the "_" prefix convention
> 'self_' is way too bulky and intrusive.  Putting '_' at the end of the word
> is nearly as easy to detect and conflicts with no convention I know of.
> tjr


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